Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Blooms Digitally

Read the following article.

Write in your comments your opinion on whether the author was able to connect Bloom and his work to current digital learning.


  1. I believe the author was able to connect with current digital learning. They were able to use descriptors within the different levels to show teachers practical applications to achieve the higher levels of thinking for students.

  2. I thought the author did a good job linking current technology use/digital information to Bloom's Taxomony. It's always good to see how new things fit into our old knowledge. I found this particularly helpful for me to use as I look at lesson plans and how I will fit in higher level thinking activities.

  3. I liked how this article applies what we all know about Blooms Taxonomy to digital projects. Before reading this article I didn't realize that I could connect Bloom's Taxonomy to digital applications. This new application of Bloom's Taxonomy to digital projects is useful when planning lessons where students will be using the internet or other digital media.

  4. I found this article fascinating. It never occurred to me to even consider the need to address Blooms taxonomy as it relates to this digital age. However, it does make perfect sense. I thought the author did a very good job connecting Bloom and his work to current digital learning. I also found it interesting to see where he had place some of the things I have been learning in this class on his "Digital Taxonomy."

  5. I have always thought that writing was harder than being a critic. I think that this article gives you a great level of vocabulary and projects to think about what each of those higher order thinking skills translates to in today's world. Instead of doing the same projects, just on the computer, the author gives ideas for new projects that will teach the technology and the content.

  6. Bloom's taxonomy blooms digitally.
    The author of this article tries to relate Blooms’s taxonomy of 1950 to the newly revised version. This is a smart way of linking them. The revised version of Bloom’s taxonomy is made to fit this new era of technology boom.

  7. I think that the author did a good job of connecting how current digital learning can be applied to Bloom's taxonomy. The author used verbs such as blogging or posting to correlate to core concepts on each level of Bloom's such as analyzing or interpreting. Therefore,I think that it should be empahsized that these verbs are simply resources or tools to achieve higher order thinking, and are not themselves the ultimate cognitive goals we are hoping our students' achieve. I did agree with the author in the application of technology to enhance higher order thinking skills.

  8. I think that in using the internet in the classroom has some give and take when it comes to higher order thinking. While I think the next generation is coming quite computer savy and are able to find pretty much any information at the touch of a button, I think that this next generation are going to be more apt to accept any information as accurate instead of using their critical thinking skills. However, I think that it is easier to create projects easier and quicker than the traditional pen/paper ways.

  9. I think the article did a great job of incorporating Bloom's Taxonomy with digital learning. I really liked the information at the end of the article where it talked about ways to incorporate technology when remembering, understanding, applying, analysing, evaluating and creating. It was very useful and could be very beneficial to use in the classroom.

  10. I had an ahh-haa moment when I realized what I was reading. You can always tell when students are using their higher order thinking skills because they are so engaged in their work that they don't want to leave the room when the bell rings. It's good to have the skills in technology defined this way in order to help teachers plan lessons and activities that will encourage that type of learning. I am definitely going to share this information with the teachers at my school. I think a poster in the media lab would be good too.

  11. I also agree that the author sucessfully linked the new digital learning to Bloom's Taxonomy. I appreciated the how informative the article was and the descriptions of the digital learning terms. I liked how this article brings today's digital learning into Bloom's Taxonomy.

  12. I thought that the article was really interesting. I had heard of Bloom's Taxonomy before, but I never really thought about how it could incorporate today's technology and learning skills. I do think that the author did a nice job of sorting out all of the skills needed in the classroom into the different categories of Bloom's Taxonomy. It will be interesting to see how the necessary skills change even within my time of being a school psychologist.

  13. I thought he did a very good job of explaining Bloom’s taxonomy and how each word in the hierchy relates to something in technology.
    The thinking skills went from lowest to highest with remembering at the lowest and creating the highest.
    The digital words that relate to remembering are bookmarking, social networking or goggling.
    The digital words for creating were filming, directing, and publishing. He also had corresponding digital words for the remaining four words in Blooms list
    He correlated the regular words with the digital words together in a very organized and easy to understand way.

  14. I love the Bloom's digital taxonomy map. It really updates the taxonomy to today's teaching and learning..

  15. I really appreciated the replacement of Bloom's taxonomy nouns with action verbs for clarification's sake. It makes higher level thinking easier to incorporate in every day activities with students. I especially liked the linking of Bloom's taxonomy to today's digital technology world.

  16. Wow, this is very interesting. I found the author's reasoning and explanations to be completely logical and relevant to the digital society we live in today. This is something that would really make sense to younger generations. This would be really useful in the classroom. -Andrea Carson

  17. I thought the author did a good job linking Bloom's Taxonomy to technology use. This is important information to use when planning lessons that will use technology.


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